Metaphysics is…
noun: metaphysics
the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space.
Below are my versions of older symbolic mappings from Hermetic, Masonic, Cabalistic, and Vedantic Metaphysics.
The Three in the One, the Drop (Bindu) of Unity Consciousness which is Source, Space, and Consciousness; the Three in One, the Eye of Logos & Light (harmonics) withing the Golden PHI Triangle; the Five in One, the Fractal of Harmonic generation and of Creative Evolution; the Seven in One, the Harmonics of Man and Creative Evolution.
In my metaphysics all is One, Non-Dual, as water can transform between three states - ice, water, and steam - so to does Mind have Source, Space (Medium/Ether), and Consciousness (Relationship). Three phases or modes of Mind which is eternal, unbounded, and open.
The first mode, Source, is the pre-existing yet un-manifest state of Mind, potentiality which is in eternal duration.
The second mode of Mind, Space, is the becoming of manifest action whereby Mind resonates in, and of, and through itself as Substrate (Ether/Medium), a state of self-creating, self-propagating, and self-organizing information.
This is formed from the un-created emergent principle of Number and Harmonics, the Relationships between entities in ‘Space’ (difference), and ‘Time’ (frequency) which are the Form and Qualia of Substance.
The third mode of Mind, Consciousness, is the relationships formed through the evolution of the now differentiated Entities becoming Identities.
Mind as Creative Evolution of potentiality through the limitation of individuated substance, disassociated identities, and time as process.
The Relational Aesthetics of Identities manifesting their drive towards greater Power and Bliss.
The three in one, the one in three, the three in 5 and the Golden Ratio this is where Metaphysics and the Universe start.
The Three in One
These tables are about relationships and correspondences.
The idea of connecting the Mandelbrot Set to this came from Fractal Woman on YouTube.
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